What are the 4 key Elements of Digital Marketing
All of you know about digital marketing that what's it, digital marketing is the exercises of using digital network for the promotion of any company or brand's. utilizing your efforts and attempts through different digital forums such as marketing or promotion through social media, website, emails etc to connect with potential customers and to achieve goals of the brand or company.
Here we know about the 4 main key elements of digital marketing
1. Product or Service which you want to Market:
When some one brand's or company make a good or service which they want to reach it to the potential customers is known as product.
When a company or brand or any individual make a product or a service they providing first they know what actually your target audience or customers want.know about your target audience what they really want, and know about your compitator what they are providing.they you or your brand work on your products or services to provide the best in the market which fulfil all the need of your target audience and get potential customers.
2.Price OF Product or Service:
The value of your good or service is called actual price. When your brand marketing a product or service the price play important role in this time, if your price is accessible to the target potential customers in the market,then your service or product will get the desire goal.so keep your price as per market value and what actually you providing.if your price is high and your product is benith it then you will not get potential customers.
Know about your compitator price what price they are giving.
Get well known and research about your target audience price range.
Keep price low or high as per your target audience
Know about market rate and keep low or high as per market rate.
3. Place for selling your service or product:
Search and get knowledge about the market.which place is best for selling your products or services, know about shops and market where your target potential customers are searching for the product you selling.then market your products or services in the best place where potential customers have easily access to your products or services.
4. Promotion of products or services
This very important key element of digital marketing.promotion of product or service is to reach potential customers through uses of digital networks or the use traditional methods. Use the best way of promotion of your products or services is it traditional methods of promoting or promote through the digital network such as promotion of your brand or services through social media platforms, website advertising,or email and message or product promotions through print media.your target is to reach potential customers and boost your brand or company.